Physician Medication Reviews (...
PMR Nursing TO-DO
- Once logged in; you will be brought directly to TO-DO Management
- Click on any of the TO-DO Processing Items under the Physician Medication Review such as Drug Record
- On the left are all TO-DO Processing Items
- To the right of the TO-DO's are all the pending TO-DO's for example Drug Record
- In the middle is the Prescription Image
- To the right are all the TO-DO's which are pending for the specific RX
- Pending TO-DO's have 2 options; YES & N/A
- YES means that the item has been completed
- N/A means that the item is not applicable for this RX
- If for any reason you had selected the incorrect option; you have the ability to UNDO
- Log into the Writi App
- Once logged in; click on TO-DO on the bottom bar
- Click on any of the TO-DO Processing Items under the Physician Medication Review such as Consent Obtained
- You will be brought to all Pending TO-DO's for Consent Obtained
- The order of the items are in Newest to Oldest
- Tap on one of the Pending Consent
- Once opened; you will see 3 options such as CLOSE, CONSENT & NOT APPLICABLE
- If the order requires consent from the POA then select CONSENT
- If the order does not require consent then select NOT APPLICABLE
- If you tried to reach out to POA and received Voicemail; this would be a good time to add a NOTE which is above the NOT APPLICABLE button
- Once completed the option will change to UNDO
- To go to the next to-do, above the ADD NOTE button you will see e-Box Used > , you can tap on that option or swipe right to go next or swipe left to go back
- If for any reason you had selected the incorrect option; you have the ability to UNDO
Updated 25 Mar 2024

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