Virtual Visit

Scheduling a Virtual Visit



Procedure (Tablet)

  1. Log into Writi Application
  2. Search for the Resident which you would like to schedule the Virtual Visit
  3. Select Virtual Visit in the top right of the resident profile
  4. Select Physician - filter by Physician or Nurse Practitioner
  5. Select Visit for Reason and click Confirm
  6. Select the Date for the Virtual Visit
  7. Add any Additional Notes if needed
  8. Select Submit
  9. Once submitted; you will see a confirmation stating "Virtual Visit scheduled successfully for (Resident Name) with (Prescriber Name) for (Date)"
  10. To view the scheduled Virtual Visit; go to the Virtual Visit tab on the bottom bar
  11. Under Upcoming shows all upcoming Virtual Visit in chronological order

Procedure (Web)

  1. Log into
  2. Navigate to Resident in the top left, whilst hovering over resident with your mouse you get see an option for Management
  3. Click on Resident Management
  4. Select your filters or search by Name or Health Card
  5. Search for the Resident which you want to schedule the Virtual Visit
  6. Select the Virtual Visit Icon (Last Icon) under actions for that resident
  7. Select the Virtual Visit Date
  8. Select the Physician or NP
  9. Select the Reason for Visit
  10. Add any Additional Notes if needed
  11. Click Schedule
  12. Once scheduled, you will see a notification which states "Virtual Visit scheduled successfully for (Resident Name) with (Prescriber Name) for (Date)"
  13. To view the scheduled Virtual Visit; go to the Virtual Visit tab at the top bar and select Visits
  14. Here you can see all scheduled Virtual Visits chronologically